Tuesday, August 6, 2013

old joe ollmann's not dead yet!

I've moved to Hamilton. Met Dave Collier and son james at the waste transfer centre.
Fuck all the Hamilton haters, this place is a paradise of nature. I am not kidding and will document the mountainous bike path behind my house that is part of the Bruce Trail.
This city is for real. It's a union town and that permeates the psyche of the populace. There is literally a revolution going on here to change the focus of this town from post-industrial wasteland to an artistic community. It's an exciting time in old Hamilton.
But I've been moving for months, I'm exhausted, scarred, arthritic and wake up every day as if I've been beaten liberally with hammers. I've lost 10 pounds since Montreal, mostly from building shelves and swearing.
I am set up enough that I drew a page tonight for a new short story I'm doing.

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